The International Conference Bodies in Transit: Violence, Conflict, Healing was held at the University of Huelva, October 8-9, 2015 as part of the project “Bodies in Transit/ Cuerpos en Tránsito” (refs. FFI2013-47789-C2-1-P and FFI2013-47789-C2-2-P). The conference delegates addressed questions pertaining to the various ways in which bodies are produced through various literary and cultural representations, with emphasis on the way in which the process, that is the movement or bodily transit, are productive of identities. Belén Martín Lucas (UVigo), as director of the subproject “Bodies in Transit: Making Difference in Globalised Cultures”, was both a participant and a co-organiser. For more information see
Belén Martín Lucas (U. Vigo) in collaboration with Libe García Zárranz (U. Manitoba) organised Stream #6 “Posthuman Affects in 21st Century Feminist Production” at the Affect Theory Conference, Millersville
University, Lancaster PA, US, October 14-17, 2015. As part of the international and interdisciplinary conference, this Stream addresses questions surrounding the porosity of the boundaries between affect studies, critical post-humanism, and feminisms in order to find potential alliances between these interdisciplinary methodological frameworks. It further contributes to the discussion on how to build a sustainable trajectory for the humanities, or the posthumanities, in the twenty-first century. For more information see