Teresa Caneda receives a Iacobus Papers Award

The scientific paper “Atlantic Communities: Translation, Mobility, Hospitality” has received a Iacobus Papers Award within the framework of the Higher Education Cooperation Program for the Euro-Region of Northern Portugal and Galicia. The article, published in the special issue of the journal Atlantic Studies 15:3 (2018), was co-authored by the FIFA Department member M. Teresa Caneda Cabrera, currently on a sabbatical leave as a visiting associate professor at University College Dublin, Rui Carvalho Homem (U Porto) and David Johnston (Queen’s U Belfast). This publication examines the conceptual framework of contemporary Atlantic Studies and argues that, as the world shrinks before the new economics and technologies of travel, the Atlantic becomes larger and ever more complex in a context where ideas and experiences have been mobilized, translated and received as a result of multiple exchanges. The authors conclude that the Atlantic has often been drawn by lines of translation which usher us into the contemplation of a world created by the contingencies of encounter no less than by the inbuilt inequities of geopolitical power.