Lareo Martín


Área of English Philology

Contact information

+34 986 801 787

Short CV

Inés Lareo obtained a MA in English Philology from the University of a Coruña in 1997 and a PhD in English Linguistics in 2006, with a dissertation on semantic, syntactic and sociolinguistic aspects of the use of collocations in Late Modern English. From October 1999 to February 2004 she worked as a researcher in the English Department of A Coruña. She has also carried out research at the Universities of Köln (Germany), Berkeley (USA), Aachen (Germany), Castelló (Spain), Cork (Ireland), Berlin (Germany), Valencia (Spain), Las Palmas (Spain) and Heidelberg (Germany). Her main research interests are lexicography, historical linguistics and corpus linguistics, and didactics. As member of the team of the Multidimensional Corpus-based Studies in English (MuStE) that is carrying out the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing (CC) (, she has also focused her attention on grammatical and sociolinguistic aspects of the use of collocations in English scientific writing.