The Anuario de investigación en Literatura Infantil e Xuvenil (Children and Young People’s Literature Research Yearbook) – AILIJ (ISSN: 1578-6072) was firstly edited in 2001, and aims to disseminate the research performed nationally and internationally in the children and young people’s literature field.

Babel-Afial (ISSN: 1132-7332) is a scholarly journal which deals with different aspects of English and German philology. Founded in 1992, it publishes national and international papers on literature in English and German, applied linguistics, literary theory, translation, methodology, lexicology and lexicography, as well as book reviews on the same topics.
Vigo International Journal of Applied Linguistics

VIAL (ISSN: 1697-0381) welcomes empirical studies dealing with innovative aspects of applied linguistics. VIAL is becoming a forum of discussion for interdisciplinary studies and diversity, promoting the exchange of ideas among specialists.